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武汉理工大学鲁建峰研究员团队在Advanced Materials期刊发表题为“Scalable Fabrication of High-Performance Perovskite Solar Cell Modules by Mediated Vapor Deposition”的研究论文,团队成员王玉龙为论文第一作者,鲁建峰研究员为论文通讯作者。

核心亮点:在钙钛矿前驱体蒸汽中引入了一种升华温度较低的脒基铵盐,即盐酸联苯胺(BMCl),以解决在扩大规模以生产高效大面积模块方面受到了限制,从而实现了大面积模块器件PCE达22.1%(1cm2) ,21.1(12.5cm2)和20.1%(48cm2)。

气相沉积的方法由于气固反应动力学和挥发性铵盐前驱体的质量传递之间的严重不平衡,限制了其扩大规模以生产高效大面积模块方面的应用。为解决这一问题,鲁建峰研究员团队提出,一种基于脒的低维钙钛矿被引入作为固体-蒸汽反应的中间体,以帮助解决这一局限性。这种改进的反应途径产生了独特的垂直整体颗粒,没有可检测的水平边界,用于生产效率为22.1%的1.0 cm2的PSCs,以及效率分别为21.1%和20.1%的12.5和48 cm2模块。在连续运行900小时(ISO - l -1协议)后,这些模块保持了约85%的初始性能;在环境中存储2800小时(ISO - D -1协议)后,保持了约100%的初始性能。

Figure 1. Regular versus mediated vapor deposition. A) Schematic illustration of the perovskite vapor deposition with benzamidine hydrochloride (BMCl) introduced in the vapors. B) Grazing-incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering patterns of the perovskite films fabricated by the BMCl-mediated process. C,D) Top-view and E,F) side-view scanning electron micrographs (scale bar 1 μm), and G,H) bright-field transmission electron microscopy (BF-TEM) images of the (C, E, and G) control and (D, F, and H) BMCl-mediated perovskite films.

Figure 2. Nucleation and crystallization of BMCl-mediated perovskites. A) Low-angle regions of the XRD patterns of the BMCl-mediated perovskite films prepared by vapor deposition over varied periods of time (complete diffractograms are shown in Figure S6, Supporting Information); peak assignment is as follows: ɑ-Cs0.16FA0.84PbI2.84Br0.16 – green triangle, PbI2 – red circle, (BM)2FAPb2I5Cl2 – black asterisk, CsPbI3-xBrx – open diamond. B) Peak intensity as a function with different reaction periods. The sample structure is FTOǀSnO2ǀperovskite. C) Schematic diagram of 2D (BM)2FAPb2I5Cl2

induced nucleation crystallization process. Fluorescence lifetime imaging measurements of perovskite films: D) control, and E) BMCl-mediated.

Figure 3. Performance of 1.0 cm2-cells based on chemical vapor deposited perovskite. A) Cross-sectional SEM image of a typical n–i–p PSC with an architecture of FTO|SnO2|Cs0.16FA0.84PbI2.84Br0.16|spiro-OMeTAD|Au fabricated using the BMCl-mediated method; scale bar = 1 μm. B) J–V curves (0.10 V s−1) of the best-performing cells and C) PCE distributions extracted from J–V scans (scanning from 1.2 to −0.1 V, 20 independent cells for each type; D) quasi-steady-state power output (qSPO) and corresponding steady-state current output. All photovoltaic data were recorded under simulated AM 1.5G 1 sun illumination.

Figure 4. Performance and stability of perovskite modules based on chemical vapor deposited perovskite. A,B) I–V curves of the best-performing (A) 5 cm × 5 cm (with a 12.5 cm2 mask) and (B) 10 cm × 10 cm (with a 48 cm2 mask) modules measured under simulated AM 1.5G 1 sun illumination; scanning rate 0.5 V s−1. The inset of (A) shows qSPOs of modules based on perovskite film fabricated by regular (blue) or BMCl-mediated (red) process. The inset of (B) shows a qSPO of BMCl-mediated modules. C) Maximum power point tracking presented as normalized PCE for encapsulated 5 cm × 5 cm modules under ambient conditions and continuous 100 mW cm−2 illumination (LED) following the ISOS-L-1 protocol. D) Evolution of the normalized PCE of non-encapsulated 5 cm × 5 cm modules stored under ambient conditions according to the ISOS-D-1 protocol; data are shown as mean (symbols) ± standard deviation (shading) for 4 independent modules, while lines are guides to the eye. Detailed performance data for panels (C-D) are provided in Figure S26 and Table S6 (Supporting Information).

本文来源:DOI: 10.1002/adma.202412021






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